Prabowo Program Will Be Very Socialized Evenly During the Campaign Period

Prabowo Subianto. In the remaining less than 4 months, the presidential election campaign is considered sufficient to socialize program number 02 president and vice presidential candidate pair, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, to the people who have the right to vote. Work Program, Vision and Mission of Prabowo Subianto- Sandiaga Uno will be socialized evenly during the campaign period which will last less than 4 months

Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, coordinator of the Spokesperson for the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo-Sandiaga, stated that the BPN will continue to campaign about the work program for all the people participating in the General Election.

"The election campaign is still very long, around four months. Prabowo Sandi's action program will continue to be broadcast to all segments of the community with or without media coverage, "Dahnil explained to our reporters on Friday (07/12). 2018).

This was revealed by Dahnil responding to the results of the Denny JA (LSI) Survey of Indonesia Circle which showed that during the two months of the campaign period, not many people knew of the programs offered by the Prabowo-Sandiaga couple.

This was raised by Dahnil, in response to the results of the Denny JA (LSI) survey of the Indonesian Survey Circle, which showed that only a few people knew of the program proposed by the Prabowo-Sandiaga Pair during the two-month campaign.

This is because, many volunteers spread to various regions to strengthen the BPN, said Dahnil. Volunteers work of their own volition, working closely to socialize the Prabowo-Sandiaga program.

"Compared to incumbents, BPN is strengthened by many volunteers who are scattered throughout Indonesia who work voluntarily and militantly without payment," Dahnil said.

According to the LSI survey, five Prabowo-Sandiaga programs are well known and understood by the public.

"The Prabowo-Sandiaga program has not been massive yet. On average, there are under 30 percent who claim to have heard or known, "Rully Akbar, LSI researcher explained at the LSI Office, East Jakarta, Thursday (12/06/2018).

As many as 25.6 percent of respondents said that they had ever questioned the OK OCE program. While 23.5 percent know the program Gold or Mother-Child Movement and Children Drink Milk. Then, as many as 18.7 percent admitted having heard of programs related to import restrictions. Then, as many as 18.7 percent admitted having heard of programs related to the import ban.

Already 25.6% of respondents said they knew the OKCE program. 23.5% know the Gold Movement program or children drink milk. Furthermore, already 18.7% claimed to have heard about import restriction programs.

Also, 13.5% of those surveyed knew about proposed salary increases for civil servants and proposals for the appointment of 10.2% honorary teachers. In addition, continued Rully, the five programs were not listed in the top 10 issues written in the media and discussed in social media.

There are 10 very active issues discussed on social media and online. According to the data, which is contained in LSI Denny JA's strategic room data, namely: "1. Hoaks Ratna Sarumpaet 2. Burning flags 3. Appearance of Boyolali 4. Politics of Sontoloyo 5. Politics of genderuwo 6. 4 Years of Leadership in Jokowi 7. Promises of Esemka 8. Game of Thrones Jokowi 9. Sandiaga jumps grave 10. Jokowi free Suramadu "

"The Prabowo-Sandiaga programs were not included in the hot issue. This is a disadvantage, it is not included in the program debate but rather more sensitive things, "said Rully.


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