Friendship Is The Price Is Very Invaluable, The People Are Very Faithful To Prabowo Subianto

Prabowo Subianto. When Lebaran on the fourth day of my WA staff was Mr. PS, he said that he was in KL to take several Generals for treatment. I was unable to say ... Unfortunately in the midst of the funding needs of Mr. PS who were mounting to give witness transport money to the West Java regional election and his intention to help Sudirman for Central Java, he still left funds to help treat the Generals.

Why did Mr. PS help them even though among the Generals were in another party (Government Party)? Mr. PS, in a friendly manner, there is no "bulkhead", always sincere and sincere. He was sorry for the sick generals who used to be active when the General was straight and did not have a business, so when he retired, he would be heavy on his own treatment.

Mr. PS also said in his life that there were no broken words in friendship, basically if there was a friend who was difficult and Mr. PS still could help, help (even though the friend often betrayed him).

For Pak Prabowo, friendship has nothing to do with the politics of religion and race. That became the principle of Mr. PS really. That is why even though LBP often betrayed him, for example, because Mr. PS thought he was still a friend, if LBP faced a problem again, he wanted to meet Mr. PS even though LBP was now in the government, he met, and as much as possible helping the problems faced by LBP.
Likewise, when appointing Sudrajat as Governor of West Java, that was all basically because he wanted his senior and his clean and honest friends to be able to sit in the government.

Looking back on how Mr. PS fought for a friend, Pak Drajat, we all had to be shocked at the end of November 2017, Mr. PS arrived to appoint Maj. Gen. (ret) Sudrajat as West Java Chief.
The reason Pak Prabowo appoints Sudrajat is because he is a straight and honest general, so he is called to help the good general so he can take the lead in West Java.

Once the end of November 2017 was held a meeting of the leaders of the Gerindra Party leaders in the Gerindra DPP office, I was then in WA Sepri Pak PS to stop at the Gerindra DPP. Suddenly invited the Chairman of the West Java DPD, Pak Mulyadi. Until that afternoon the Gerindra officials did not know who was decided to be the Jabub Cagub, instead all thought that Pak PS would appoint Pak Mulyadi (Chairperson of the Gerindra West Java DPD).

However, it turned out that during the meeting, Mr. PS mentioned the name of Maj. Gen. (ret) Sudrajat. At that time almost everyone who heard jumped from his chair. Why? Because Sudrjat's name was never mentioned by Mr. PS all this time. Then even though the Gerindra Party cadres, but Sudrajat was never active, so the DPP people did not all know Sudrajat. One-two people got to know, when Pak Sudrajat in 2014 joined one of the Gerindra spokesmen during the presidential election.

Eventually that afternoon Mr. Drajat was invited (we have to wait 4 hours for Pak Drajat to come, because when he was on the phone Mr. Sudrajat was still a meeting). Mr. Drajat was then the CEO of an airline.

Well, when Mr. Drajat arrived, some of the meeting participants had just "seen" the face or figure of Pak Drajat.

I whispered to my friend there, "It requires big capital and hard work to introduce Mr. Sudrajat," ... And my friend agreed to my whisper.

After the meeting that afternoon afternoon, when I only had a few people left, I asked Mr. PS, "Mr. Drajat does you have money, sir?", I asked Mr. PS. At that time Mr. PS shook his head while saying "we will find it later," (meaning Mr. PS who financed).

I am still complaining again .. "Other names like Dedy Miswar, RK etc. are inherent in the people's heads, sir.", Mr. PS with a rather high tone answered me ... "Mbak Nanik, I am a former War Commander, I know how to fight, "said Pak PS rather offended by my annoyance.

Our days among those invited by Mr. PS to talk are still "free". It must be really hard in West Java because the opponent has been socializing in his years and his capital is on him.

To make sure his choice was correct, Mr. Prabowo then summoned the leaders of the West Java clerics and the presentation of Sudrajat and why he was chosen, and asked for support on 7 December 2017. Thank God the ulamas were all ready to support. Moreover, it turns out that Pak Drajat is the owner of an Islamic Boarding School in Pelabuhan Ratu. And after being approved by the cleric on December 7, Mr. PS immediately released Sudrajat (there was no representative at that time, because Mr. PS had to lobby PKS first and also PAN) as Cagub from Gerindra.

After Sudrajat was brought in, Mr. PS also struggled to find money for socialization and others. But again it is indeed not easy Mr. PS sells his assets, even when he will pawn his land, it turns out that he manages his letters to drag on time, even until the Pilkada is not finished. Amazingly, Mr. PS still doesn't want to surrender to the conglomerate, not wanting to be helped with the conditions.

Sudrajat finally advanced with very little funds, because Mr. PS had not succeeded in selling his assets. If other parties can reach hundreds of billions of their capital, Sudrajat is only financed not up to tens of m


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